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The damage of the sun to our eyes and why we should wear sunglasses?

The damage of the sun to our eyes can occur in various ways. Here are some common sun exposure effects:

Sunburn: The eyelids and surrounding area may burn when exposed to the sun. Irritation, redness and pain in the eyes may occur due to sunburn.

Corneal burn: The sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can affect the cornea and cause a corneal burn. In this case, symptoms such as pain, blurred vision, tenderness and redness in the eyes can be seen.

Cataract: Prolonged sun exposure can contribute to the development of cataracts. Cataracts can lead to vision loss due to clouding of the eye's natural lens.

Macular degeneration: The sun's UV rays can affect the central area of ​​the eye, called the macula. Long-term sun exposure can increase the risk of macular degeneration. This can lead to loss of central vision.

Pterygium: It is possible for a tissue called pterygium to form on the surface of the eye as a result of excessive exposure to the sun. Pterygium can grow in the white part of the eye, affecting the cornea and causing vision problems.

To avoid these harmful effects, it is important to take precautions such as wearing sunglasses, using a wide-brimmed hat or umbrella, not exposing your eyes directly to the sun, and not being outside during the peak hours of the sun. It may also be helpful to take a break from sun exposure to rest your eyes regularly and use moisturizing eye drops.

There are several important reasons for eye health to wear sunglasses:

Blocks UV rays: Sunglasses greatly filter ultraviolet (UV) rays, preventing them from damaging the eyes. Long-term UV exposure can lead to serious problems such as cataracts, macular degeneration, pterygium and other eye problems. A quality sunglasses supports your eye health by protecting your eyes from these harmful rays.

Reduces eye strain: Direct exposure to sunlight can tire and irritate your eyes. When you encounter bright lights, your blink reflex may decrease, causing your eyes to work harder. Sunglasses protect your eyes from bright lights and their reflections, reducing eye strain and providing comfortable vision.

Increases Contrast: Bold Sunglasses can help you see colors and contrast more clearly when designed correctly. Especially outdoors or on reflective surfaces (for example, water or snow), the UV filtering of the glasses improves the quality of vision and allows you to distinguish objects better.

Keeps eyes moist: Metal Framed Sunglasses protect your eyes from external factors such as wind, dust and dry air. It also keeps your eyes moist, which prevents problems such as dry eyes.

It is important to wear sunglasses when you go out in the sun to protect your eye health and have a comfortable vision experience. Choosing quality glasses that block the sun's UV rays will help you protect your eyes more effectively.

You can apply the following methods to protect your eyes from the sun:

Wear sunglasses: Opt for UV-protective sunglasses that block UV rays, filtering out at least 99 percent of the sun. Make sure your glasses label says "UV 400" or "100% UV protection". Also, wide-brimmed glasses or models with polarized lenses provide more protection.

Use a hat or umbrella: Wearing a wide-brimmed hat or umbrella over your head while being exposed to the sun will protect your eyes from direct sunlight. This reduces the effect of UV rays by providing an extra layer to your eyes.

Close your eyes: Avoid looking directly at the sun. It is important to close or half-close your eyes to protect your eyes from the bright light of the sun. Shorten the amount of sun exposure, especially during the peak hours of the sun (usually between 10:00 and 16:00).

Put on your glasses: If you have glasses or glasses, remember to wear them when you go out in the sun. Glasses protect the eyes against the harmful effects of the sun and reduce eye strain.

Stay in the shade: If you have to be outside during peak hours, try to stay in the shade. You can protect your eyes by reducing the direct rays of the sun under trees, buildings or umbrellas.

Use eye drops: You can use moisturizing eye drops recommended by your doctor to relieve dry eyes and keep the eyes moist. This helps reduce discomfort and irritation from sun exposure.

It is important to follow these precautions to protect your eyes from the harmful effects of the sun. Use sunglasses to take care of your eye health, especially on days when the sun is intense and during long-term outdoor activities.

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